From Coach Blade: Updated COVID-19 Protocols

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Dear Independence Football Family,

As many of you heard yesterday, Gov. Lee will be signing Executive Order 55 which allows for contact sports to resume as originally planned with a start date of Aug 21st. That means, Monday we will begin preseason practice. If your son has not turned in the first page of his physical and completed Final Forms, please do so before Monday. Also on Final Forms is a place for you to pay your athletic fee of $75.

I completely understand if you are not comfortable sending your son to play football this season. We will do our best to mitigate the spread of germs, but please understand this has been and will continue to be very difficult. With that being said, I need to know if you are opting out of the season. Unless I hear from you, I will assume that the people in attendance on Monday are those who have decided to keep playing. We have limited locker space and more people than Varsity Jerseys (97). I need to know who is planning on playing so we can make appropriate practice plans, locker room and game day preparations.

The link below is the latest from the WCS. Our best chance of playing through a complete season continues to be making good decisions with regard to social distancing, masks in public, washing of hands, and washing of cloth used for practice.

*New Practice Schedule as of August 3rd:
Mon-Fri 3-6 pm (Varsity)
Mon-Fri 4-6 pm (Freshmen)

Go Eagles!

Scott Blade
Head Football Coach
Independence High School

WCS COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Guide
